Advanced Evasion

information on advanced evasion techniques that may be possible.

Device Emulation

When spoofing a hardmless PCI device, it is possible that a DMA device could emulate the PCI device in question. With this, the Windows driver for interacting with the spoofed device would be tricked into working as intended, where all actions to the device would be emulated by the attacker and responded to in an accurate manner.

Custom Configuration Spaces w/ Xilinx Devices

As outlined by Ulf Frisk in the pcileech-fpga repository. It is possible to partially override the configuration space of Xilinx PCIe devices. This would allow us to spoof as much of the config space as possible of the harmless PCI device.

Anticheats, as well, can create patterns within the configuration space that would trigger bans. By customizing our configuration space, we can avoid these detections provided a pattern doesn't identify the Xilinx IP.

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